
Wednesday 25 March 2015


Taking the Pea is brand new to the snack food market and I had the honour of trying out three of their vegan-friendly crunchy pea snack flavours - Smoked Ham, Wacky Wasabi and Sweet Chilli Salsa. *The last flavour in the range, Cheesy Peasy and Onion, is not vegan so that's been left out.

As you can probably tell, the main ingredient is the humble pea! Packed full of wonderful protein and fibre, the crunchy marrowfat peas are coated with bold flavours that really pack a punch.

I started with the smoked ham flavour (all vegan, don't worry!) because I was curious about the taste. It is absolutely delicious and reminds me of bbq flavoured crisps. Then I moved on to the sweet chilli salsa which was addictive but not as spicy as I thought it would be. Nothing could prepare me for the wacky wasabi flavour - talk about heat! Hands down my favourite of the bunch. It probably isn't for everyone and the first time you try it, you'll probably think your ears are about to blow off hot steam - looney tunes style - but it passes quickly and if you're anything like me, you'll want the next hit straight away.

Speaking of looney tunes, I really like the bright packaging and the fact that each flavour comes with its own pea cartoon character. It adds a touch of fun to the brand (as if the punny brand name wasn't already a give away) and I hear each character even has its own hilarious twitter page! 

Each 40g pack contains between 140-145 calories and has less fat than peanuts and more fibre than traditional potato crisps... a healthy alternative to most other greasy snacks out there and nifty enough so you can have it on-the-go. Can't ask for more than that.

If you'd like to try these yummy peas (and see if you can handle the wasabi heat!) then you can purchase them on their official website here.

You can also follow Taking the Pea on Twitter and like their page on Facebook.

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