Monday 8 July 2013


The ever-versatile garri is back, arguably in its best form. If you've never had this then I can only shake my head sadly and plead with you to make it as soon as possible. 

This is one of the quintessential Nigerian snacks/meals/drinks (yes, all in one). I never went through the boarding school experience in Nigeria but apparently, having a stash of garri was essential to surviving those long weeks away from home. As a day student, that didn't stop me from overloading on soaked garri after school.

Grab yourself a large cup or cereal bowl. Fill it about 1/3 way up with garri. Add ice cold water (the colder the better). Add some sugar (to taste). Throw in a handful of roasted groundnut.
Thank me later...


  1. "Gari Soakins" luv this! A favorite staple during my brief stint in boarding school in Ghana.

  2. p.s. you forgot the milk...or...don't you use canned milk in your soakins?

    1. You just reminded me, I was going to mention in the post how some people use milk in theirs, but I never did! Still can't bring myself to try it (even with my beloved almond milk) lol. It always did seem a strange concept to me, but from what I hear, it's pretty delicious...

  3. Mmm garri and groundnut. I've never given the milk version a go either but maybe I'm missing out. Hey, as a former vegan who still enjoys vegan cuisine and as a Naija food devotee this site is TOO good/ Your new fan.

    1. Aw thanks! I'm a fan of your blog too - you raise some super important/relevant issues.

      Former vegan, huh? What changed? :)

  4. Chai! Brings back sweet memories of boarding school days. And yes I loved soaked garri with milk...powdered milk (Peak or Nido) to be exact.

  5. This adding milk phenomenon is quite something. I wonder why it never featured in our house lol

  6. As an American Nigerian with an American mom...I was never inducted to the soaked garri brotherhood. However, my fiance is a born and bred Naija man and he made some for me to taste the other night...I think it's something of an acquired thing. It wasn't nasty or anything...just...strange LOL! I guess we will have to start our kids on it early!

    1. Haha, definitely approve of starting the kids early.
      I can imagine it seeming strange when you try it for the first time.There was just something special about cold soaked garri on a hot day when I was growing up. I think the refreshing aspect of it came first before the taste. But then again, there was the overwhelming amount of sugar cubes I used to sneak in when my mum wasn't watching :p

  7. Hmm.. It seems many Nigerians eat it with water while Ghanians use milk.

    I use plain almond milk. I tried it with water once and couldn't stand it.

    1. Really? Somehow I can't ever imagine it with milk...might give it a try with coconut milk perhaps. Maybe.

  8. Nothing like plain milk, no sugar.....the water is like no other...

  9. About to embark on my vegan journey but I noticed no one ever talks about tiger nut milk! Any reason to that?
