Tuesday 30 October 2018

Plantain Cookbook - Out Now!

The day has finally come!
After weeks of recipe-dreaming, recipe-writing and recipe-testing, I am proud to announce the official release of my Plantain Cookbook.
It's been an absolute labour of love and I've enjoyed every minute of bringing this book to life. 
It's bold, bright, beautiful and packed with just over 40 plantain-infused recipes. Breakfast, lunch and main meals are covered. But so are surprising dessert recipes such as chocolate fudge cake (yes!), pastries, cupcakes, and more. 
Each recipe is accompanied by a glossy image, and when I tell you that the recipes are delicious and accessible, I really mean it.
If you love plantain as much as I do and think it deserves the extreme attention that I have given it in this book (ha!), then it would mean the world to me if you supported this project. You can do so in a number of ways: by downloading or buying a copy for yourself; by sharing this news with someone who would appreciate it; by leaving a review; or even just sending me a virtual pat on the back (that counts too!). 

  • For fans of ebooks, you can download a PDF directly from the Books page on my website here, or download it straight onto your Kindle via Amazon here
  • For those who enjoy flipping through the pages of a cookbook, you can buy a glossy copy from here or a paperback copy from here
  • For anyone who wants to share the book on social media, feel free to tag me @VeganNigerian on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and use the hashtag #plantaincookbook so that I can thank you personally and send you a million heart emojis! 

Thank you as always for reading, watching and supporting. I appreciate it greatly and wish you the best week imaginable! 

Love, Tomi (a.k.a. the plantain enthusiast) x

Wednesday 24 October 2018

PLANTAIN COOKBOOK: Release Date Announcement

It's perhaps the cookbook you never knew you needed - ha! But if you love plantain as much as I do, then you should be excited to grab a copy of my latest publication. It's going to be released next week, Tuesday 30th October and I cannot WAIT for you to see it!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

4 Easy Ways to Make Any Meal Healthier

This week's video is slightly different from the usual recipe or vlog format. I share four key ways to instantly transform a meal from unhealthy to healthy. The principles are pretty basic, and you'll probably have heard them a million times before, but it's always good to get a reminder. Perhaps you're keen to commit to healthier cooking habits, or you're looking for simple, no-fuss ways to hit certain health goals, I hope these reminders give you that much-needed boost.

Have a great week!

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Brixton Vegan Market

I had my first stint at the Brixton vegan market offer the weekend and put together this little clip to highlight what it's all about. Special thanks to Jess (the organiser) for agreeing to a short interview :)

I'm excited to see how the market grows over the coming months and I'm even hoping to make a regular appearance there. Catch me there next Sunday (14th Oct) where I'll be sharing more sweet treats and perhaps some savoury too.

Follow Brixton Vegan Market on social media to keep up to date with everything. If you're a South Londoner, you definitely don't want to miss out on the delicious offerings!

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Classic Sweet French Crepes ft. Red Violet Blog

Photo: Eisatbeth (www.red-violet.com)

This week's video is in collaboration with my friend and fellow blogger, Elisabeth (Red Violet blog). Before I arrived in Paris, I reached out to find out where I could get my hands on some vegan crepes while in the city. I wasn't going to leave until I had some. Seriously. Words cannot describe how much I love the stuff. After some investigation, Elisabeth reported back to say that there was at least one place that could provide vegan crepes on request, but she also mentioned that she had an amazing recipe that we could use to make our own crepes if all else failed. I liked this idea a lot, and so we decided we'd set aside some time to make some before I left. Best part? Elisabeth kindly agreed to share the step-by-step process. And so, come Saturday evening (I believe it was close to midnight!) there we were in her little Paris kitchen whipping up a stack of delicious crepes. 

For the full ingredient list and recipe, visit Elisabeth's blog. If you give the recipe a go, don't forget to show some love by leaving a comment on there. 

Enjoy the video and bon appétit!