Sunday 2 October 2016


It's about that time really. I've got my mind on assembling a kick-ass team of people to join me on this journey... Kinda like the Avengers, but with food and minus the capes.

Over the next few months, I'm going to be running and taking part in various events. October alone is going to be packed with all sorts. And so the role is ideal for anyone who's after some freelance/flexible work to supplement their current job, or students after some part-time experience. Applicants must be based in London.

Successful applicants will be added to a database and notified in advance when I've got an upcoming event. If it works to your schedule and you're able to help out, you'll simply indicate your availability and we'll take it from there.

At this stage, it's all about hands-on, practical work. Not an office desk in sight, and certainly no suits, ties or pinstripe skirts. Not yet anyway. 

The sorts of things you'll be helping with include:
- catering gigs

These events will involve customer-facing service, so it helps if you enjoy meeting new people, are friendly, and have some experience in the hospitality industry (though not entirely essential). It will also involve the not so glamorous tasks of helping to set up and clear up at events. You might assist with running stalls at food festivals and get involved with food prep.

- national minimum wage
- free food at events (lunch/dinner covered)

If you're a foodie at heart, have an interest in vegan/Nigerian/healthy cuisine, are able to take initiative and be a fantastic team player, then I want to hear from you! Please email me at: with your CV and a short message introducing yourself.

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